Guidance and expertise to accomplish your goals
pragmatic Legal services
At Lenza Law, we are focused on getting you the result you want in the most efficient manner possible. Whether you need help with employment, consumer, or real estate matters, we have what it takes to analyze the issues in you matter and present no-nonsense advice on where you stand, and take actions on your behalf.
Lenza McElrath has been practicing law since 2006. He has litigated matters involving commercial and residential real estate, consumer rights, and employee disputes. As a former engineer he has a focus on designing efficient and elegant solutions to problems, and executing on on those solutions to make the plans a reality.
real estate
As a landlord and tenant himself as well as a licensed real estate person, Lenza is well experienced in both residential and commercial real estate matters.
As a consumer you sometimes find that companies are very good at taking your dollars, but fall short when it comes to navigating the bureaucracy to solve an issue. Lenza is there to make sure your voice is heard.
We can help you with employment matters, including review of employment agreements, wrongful termination, and tax and stock option planning.